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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

looking for church?


So you find yourself without a church home.  What do you do?  Usually a person would start church shopping.  Checking out the list in the yellow pages, eliminating by location or denomination or what programs may be offered.  But what if you are someone like me who chooses to not join in on institutional assemblies but I do want to meet with other Christians in some format.  How do I find a home church/organic church/simple church? 

This is a question that has been rolling around in my mind for quite some time now.  How do non-conforming Christians find others to be in community with?  How do they find others to meet with for encouragement and fulfilling Acts 2:42?

Today I had a epiphany.  I all of the sudden saw that perhaps I have been looking at this situation in the wrong way. 

Should we be looking for an established group to join OR should we look to build relationships (love our neighbor) as we share God’s love (loving God with all we are) and build community, grow a Christ family that is tied together only by the Father (not by buildings or labels or programs).

Wouldn’t this methodology create more authentic relationships and Christ communities?

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