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Saturday, September 25, 2010

What's Going On? A Simple Explanation of Fibromyalgia Making Sense of a Complex Disorder, For Those Who Don't Have It

Fibromyalgia is a real condition.  Just as real as high blood pressure, cancer, etc.  I hate it when I hear that someone thinks it is made up, or that someone is lazy, or they should just get over it and improve their life.  This article does a good job of explaining what fibromyalgia is.  I hope you take the time to read it.



(this is how the above article ends and is the punch line for me... but please read the whole article)

Fibromyalgia In a Nutshell

A lot of illnesses involve one part of the body, or one system. Fibromyalgia, however, involves the entire body and throws all kinds of things out of whack. As bizarre and confusing as the varied symptoms may be, they're tied to very real physical causes.
Fibromyalgia can take someone who is educated, ambitious, hardworking and tireless, and rob them of their ability to work, clean house, exercise, think clearly and ever feel awake or healthy.
  • It's NOT psychological "burn out" or depression.
  • It's NOT laziness.
  • It's NOT whining or malingering.
  • It IS the result of widespread dysfunction in the body and the brain that's hard to understand, difficult to treat, and, so far, impossible to cure.
The hardest thing for patients, however, is having to live with it. Having the support and understanding of people in their lives can make it a lot easier.

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