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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Independent Learning…


I am not sure if I have shared this video before, but even if I did it is worth a second look.  

What if students designed their own "school"?


Isn't this the truth….

“I’m not your Friend, I’m your Mother!”

This article has made me rethink the above statement.

A portion of the article to ponder…

“Friends trust each other, share information about what they’re doing, who they’re with, what they’re trying – why would a parent not want that? If you have your child’s trust, you will be in so much better position to guide or offer advice from your experience. As parents, you will be able to react to situations with less anxiety, if you have spent time developing that relationship. Building trust takes time, and how we parented them when they were younger will have a direct effect on the relationship we have with them as teenagers.  When parents find themselves pulling The Mom Card, often what they are saying is that they want blind obedience.”

All sin is a result of not loving.

“All sin is a result of not loving. When husbands look at pornography, they are not loving their wives. When children disobey their parents, they are not loving their parents or God. When you are anxious and worry, you are not loving God for God said that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments and He tells us not to worry but to trust.”

75 Happiness Quotes to Live By