He fought a good fight, poor little guy. But he just couldn’t fight anymore. We buried him this morning.
This is my online journal/commonplace book. I use to post things that interest me or things that I want to keep track of and go back read at another time. I am an "Infojunkie" (as my mother loving dubbed me), and this blog allows me to have an outlet for my infojunkie ways. :o)
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Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Poor Mr. Turtle…
Homeschool Curriculum Crisis - Interest led or Exams?
“My eldest daughter came out of school at the age of eight as she was struggling and just did not wish to be there - not the schools fault, it just wasn't right for her. She is now 13 and although I am mindful of the necessity to pass exams in English and Maths at the very least, I don't know whether to focus solely on the subjects taught at school following the same curriculum as they do, or whether to ditch that idea (and the pressure)! and just teach her whatever she's interested in.”
Read the answer here - http://www.homeschooling-ideas.com/homeschool-curriculum-crisis-interest-led-or-exams.html
5 Reasons Not To Pursue Your Passion
“I believe that every single one of us has a purpose – a role in this world that we were made to fill. I believe that we are most happy when we are actively filling that role, whatever it may be at the time.
I believe that your passion – the thing, action, topic, person, whatever that gets your heart humming – is the clue God gives each of us as to what our role is. It’s like a primitive roadmap telling us to do what feels good in order to find our way in the world. Do you like that? Getting warmer. Do you love that? Hot, hot, hot!
Unfortunately, I think we come across a lot of roadblocks on that path. Doubts, insecurities and good old fashion fear work hard to keep us from discovering and embracing our passion.
We come up with great reasons not to pursue our passions.
But why? Why would we struggle to avoid something that could make us so happy? Because… (click on the link to read the rest of the article)” http://miss-britt.com/2011/02/5-reasons-not-to-pursue-your-passion/
The Real Cost of My Stuff
quote from the article:
“I’ve learned a thing or two about the resale value of stuff.
And what I’ve learned is simple:
Stuff is not an investment.”