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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Coffee House

I love this concept of a coffee house that is there for fellowship and sharing one’s God journey… questions and all. 

Credo House --

This place is focused more on theology and scholarship.  If I was to make a place like this, it would be very relaxed atmosphere, warm and welcoming.  A place to come where it is safe to ask questions about God, religion and Christianity. 


75% of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves

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Your Story Is Your Own

I am slowly learning this lesson… “Your Story Is Your Own.”  You can read about it here –

Here are some of the comments written by other readers:

    • Yes, it is hard to let others live their own story when you know how destructive it is…I’ve been on that path. God is good tho and he never gives up, ever.
    • Learning to give people the space to live their own stories, then to speak into them with truth and love and grace is hard work.
    • “I thought if I could dump scripture over her like a bucket of ice water, she would give up the things that were so clearly harming her.”  Christian parents make this same mistake all the time – I know. I’m a Christian parent. We forget that each one’s story is their own. We assume too much responsibility for their souls.