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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

love this quote by Pearl S. Buck

seen on FB

The Learning Parent

No, it doesn't take a village. It takes an extended family. Think before you encourage your children to move far away. How many lonely old people you know whose children moved a thousand miles away for nothing more than a job? Do we really believe it's only the old people left behind who lose by the transaction?
"The lack of emotional security of our American young people is due, I believe, to their isolation from the larger family unit. No two people - no mere father and mother - as I have often said, are enough to provide emotional security for a child. He needs to feel himself one in a world of kinfolk, persons of variety in age and temperament, and yet allied to himself by an indissoluble bond which he cannot break if he could, for nature has welded him into it before he was born." ~Pearl S. Buck

good advice

30 Things to Stop Doing to Yourself -


30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself -

Discussion starter (with my kids) -- Letting Feelings Rule Your Life

“Letting Feelings Rule Your Life

Sometimes I cook dinner when I don’t feel like it. I’d rather read blogs, but I do it anyway. When my girls were little, I read to them every single night before they went to bed, even if I was tired, because it was important to me. I didn’t always want to, but I did it. I rarely want to exercise, but I do it. I want to eat chocolate, but I don’t eat it all the time, because I know it’s not good for me.

That’s because I am not ruled by my feelings. Instead, I try to live my life based on what I know is best for me and for those around me in the long run, not what I feel like doing now. If I only ever did what I felt like doing, I would never get anything done, because I’m essentially a lazy person.

Why do we think that it is somehow morally superior to live our lives according to our feelings? All you’re doing is concentrating on being selfish, rather than doing what is right. Quite often following what we feel will lead us down the wrong path.

Besides, feelings often follow actions. When you choose to do something, to commit to something, to embrace something, your feelings follow. Feelings should not be the engine that moves the train; they should be the cars that come along after the decision is made.”

from here =

Skye Jethani: The Wrong War on Christmas

How Christians went from opposing over-consumption at Christmas to demanding it be done in Christ's name alone.  by Skye Jethani

materialism vs consumerism

Tyler shares what he has learned about materialism versus consumerism.  Interesting.

Titles in the church

1.  Matthew 23:1-12

2.  titles “divide people into groups of "who is qualified" and "who is not."”

3.  “Instead of titles, our goal should be service to one another. The greatest in God's kingdom seek no titles but instead serve the body and broader community.”

4.  “elder is simply a recognition of godly behavior and attitudes on the part of older men in the church”

5. “Christ permits no titles. They give no benefit and only bring harm to his church.  Instead, Jesus is looking for servants. Let's be that.”

all above quotes from Pilgrim’s Progress at

We are ekklesia (church) when we are gathered together with other brothers and sisters in Christ.

Alan Knox writes:

“God’s ekklesia (God’s church) is an assembly of people who belong to him – that is, a gathering of people who are disciples of Jesus Christ.”

and he asks the question:

What would happen – what difference would it make – if we truly lived and acted as if God’s people gathered together was ekklesia (church)?

from the comment section:

Scott Eaton says:

To answer your question Alan I think we would see those gatherings as opportunities for Christ to be manifest and God’s people to be built up. Whether praying or laughing, studying Scripture or eating together – they would be holy moments.




We are ekklesia (church) when we are gathered together with other brothers and sisters in Christ. ~Alan Knox