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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Unsolicited Advice

Unsolicited Advice: I Hate It, You Hate It, and so Do Your Kids - Why do we especially dislike unsolicited advice from loved ones?

“"Have a nice day," said the mom to her teenage daughter; to which the daughter replied, "Motherrrr, will you pulleeeeze stop telling me what to do!" I empathize with both parties in this old joke. Sometimes we get so overrun by unsolicited advice that even the most innocuous, benevolent advice becomes intolerable.”

read the whole article here:

slow parenting

Slow parenting is a parenting style in which few activities are organised for children. Instead, they are allowed to explore the world at their own pace. It is a response to concerted cultivation and the widespread trend for parents to schedule activities and classes after school; to solve problems on behalf of the children, and to buy services from commercial suppliers rather than letting nature take its course.

The philosophy, part of the Slow Movement, makes recommendations in play, toys, access to nature, watching television, and scheduled activities. The opposing view is that such children are disadvantaged because their parents do not provide as many learning opportunities.”

quoted from


CBC NEWS ARTICLE - 'Slow parenting' lets kids flourish, advocates say method promotes childhood independence over 'race for perfection'  --



(to go back read one of these days) – Slow Parenting Teens -

food for thought

The Many Benefits, for Kids, of Playing Video Games

Think twice before limiting your kids’ video play; then don’t.