1. This lady was in the theater when the shooting was happening. Her blog entry is called “So you STILL think God is a merciful God?!” and can be read here - http://aminiatureclaypot.wordpress.com/2012/07/20/so-you-still-think-god-is-a-merciful-god/
2. 7 Choices You Have (that you don’t always give yourself) -- http://www.purposefairy.com/6590/7-choices-you-always-have-that-you-dont-always-give-yourself/
3. What does it mean to please God? -- http://www.alanknox.net/2012/07/what-does-it-mean-to-please-god/
4. Paleo Parents (talked about how changing their sons diet changed his behaviors) -- http://paleoparents.com/our-before-after-story/about-cole/
5. An 8 minute Yoga workout to fall asleep faster -- http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/an-8-minute-yoga-workout-to-fall-asleep-faster-2538870.html
6. Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients--and Natural Ways to Restore Them [Paperback] -- http://www.amazon.com/Drug-Muggers-Medications-Essential-Nutrients/dp/1605294160/ref=pd_sim_b_2
7. Safer Lives When We Played With Knives -- http://www.thecrowdednest.com/2012/05/safer-lives-when-we-played-with-knives.html