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Monday, September 20, 2010

"Happiness wasn’t something to look forward to on the weekend, but rather something to share between two people over tea. "

WOW!  This is the first article I read this morning with my coffee - ( ).  What a reality check.  We live such empty lives here in the land of privileged North America.  How do we encourage the people of North America to live more real and authentic lives?  Lives built on relationships and being community together, helping each other with our needs.  We need to encourage each other that it is okay to not be perfect... that the truth is there is no such thing as perfect, it is just a mask and underneath that mask of perfect that we see in people's lives there is such terrible things happening physically, emotionally, spiritually, relationally.  Come on people, let's be real with each other.  Let's be authentic.  Let's not focus one what does not matter, what can be taken away and will rot or be destroyed. 

I encourage you to read this article - ( )

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