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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday morning rabbit trails…



1.  It takes a long time to grow an old friend. ~ John Leonard


2.  Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.” ~ C.S. Lewis


3.  Take heart… He is calling you,  --

***As I read one line from this post… it made me think about how just attending church makes us passive, protected from the reality that we are all missionaries.  That we should all be dependent on God to show us the way each day… totally dependent on Him.  The author wrote – “I moved here with my husband because he has a fire in his heart to help sow the gospel in new places, and prays that it blooms bright and bold”.  I am probably not making any sense (I am having trouble in my mind lately… processing thoughts… plus it is early here and I have had only half a cup of coffee yet).  I guess my thoughts are that if we are busy being “student Christians” that never graduate from being spoon fed knowledge from the Bible, then we never get to the part of DOING, being active.  We are all responsible to be active with the gifts God has given us, with the people HE puts in our path.  I have a friend who is ready “graduate” from being a student Christian, a child Christian… her and her husband.  BUT the leaders of their church gathering won’t let them graduate, they won’t cut the apron strings.  This makes me so sad and so frustrated.  Maybe that is why this article pulled at my heart strings today… we should be rejoicing when someone is ready to graduate, to walk out in faith, to let go and let God… but instead this moment has been met with resistance and hurt feelings.  So very, very sad.***


4.  Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future. Paul Boese


5.  Breaking Free From the Matrix --

“So thinking about this movie, it dawned on me that we have men today that are living in the matrix where they are not living real lives; rather they are living a virtual life that is only pretend or imagined.”    (click the above link to read the whole article)


6.  “Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly.”   Proverbs 14:29


7.   Using Praise to Build up Your Home --


8.  Three attributes of a happy family --


9.  It's An Atmosphere - Charlotte Mason Ideas in Our Homeschool   --

here is a snippet from the article:

“I am preparing my children to prepare themselves for whatever their futures hold for them. I cannot look into a magic mirror to see what their adult lives will hold as far as job opportunities, family obligations, their ministry. I aim to prepare them to be great readers and thinkers, people who can self-educate and adapt to what they need to do in order to make their lives fit God's plan for them.
Side thought: I have been thinking about how the world has changed since I graduated from high school and I would have never in my wildest George Jetson dreams thought we would have all the technological gadgets and internet opportunities that we have today. The truth is that when I graduated from high school (over 30 years ago) I was not prepared for the world of 2011. Over the years, I needed to self-educate and keep learning or be left behind. Even my firefighter husband uses technology today that did not even exist back when he graduated from college. He is constantly learning new things and adapting.  This is something we need to prepare our children for and this will come from good habits and a true learning atmosphere.”


10.  Unschooling Panic Disorder  --


11.  very good article about disciplining children --
First Time Obedience, Really???  --




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