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Friday, May 27, 2011

home education and graduation


I like what this mom has to say about graduation… that the intangibles are more important than grades and such.  Smile

“I have been reflecting over the past week about homeschooling and "graduating" our children from our homeschool. If all we were doing was preparing them academically, then this would be an easy task....we could administer a test to measure if they had met the graduation goals. I guess you could count up credits and decide if they were academically ready for graduation as well. But after all my reflecting and meditating about Graduation (yes, a capital G), my husband and I decided that the intangibles were more important than anything else as far as deciding if a child is ready to graduate. The qualities and attitudes of the child in the end seem more important than any grade or score we have recorded in Homeschool Tracker. This is something to remember when I get caught up in particulars of texts and courses. Mr. B will reap the benefits of our new found goals in homeschooling.”

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