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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

We are ekklesia (church) when we are gathered together with other brothers and sisters in Christ.

Alan Knox writes:

“God’s ekklesia (God’s church) is an assembly of people who belong to him – that is, a gathering of people who are disciples of Jesus Christ.”

and he asks the question:

What would happen – what difference would it make – if we truly lived and acted as if God’s people gathered together was ekklesia (church)?

from the comment section:

Scott Eaton says:

To answer your question Alan I think we would see those gatherings as opportunities for Christ to be manifest and God’s people to be built up. Whether praying or laughing, studying Scripture or eating together – they would be holy moments.




We are ekklesia (church) when we are gathered together with other brothers and sisters in Christ. ~Alan Knox

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