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Friday, January 13, 2012

THE GAPS DIET - Natural Digestive Healing

The GAPS diet seems to come up a lot in my web surfing.  What is the GAPS diet?


2.  Overwhelmed by the GAPS Diet? Help Has Arrived! - (The GAPS Diet is the best approach for healing the gut and putting autoimmune disease of all kinds into remission that I have ever come across.  That being said, the 6 months to 3 years that folks need to be on GAPS to reverse these conditions.)

What does the GAPS diet address?

3.  Here is a brief list of some of the symptoms and disorders that are very often related to the gut, and that have been greatly impacted by the GAPS diet:

ADD, ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, dyslexia, dyspraxia, asthma, bed wetting, thrush, finicky eaters, chronic ear infections, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, type-1 diabetes, chronic cystitis (bladder infection), colic & eczema.

4.  GAPS Diet Progress Report – 8 Weeks  --


from FB:

Living On A Dime

So I went to my $2,000 cash only doc today and here's what he found out. I have:
low iron,
gluten allergy
major insulin problems (no sugar or substitutes)
2 major bacterial infections ( 2-6 months of antibiotics)
major yeast overgrowth (2-6 months of yeast meds.)
low Vit. D and C
Other than that I'm doing good! LOL No wonder I can't get off the couch and feel mostly dead instead of semi-alive most days!
I have to go on this horrible diet (GAPS) but after that he said I should start feeling better...if I live through it!! hehehe”

Janelle Clark i know lots of people doing GAPS - its worked amazing!! even healed some symptoms of autism/ASD”

Sal Keith We have been on GAPS for 10 months. It is a big learning curve, but it is easier now. On one hand, it is expensive, on the other hand you can't really eat out - so you save money that way. There are great resources:,,, - to name a few”

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